My Internship Goals

An internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, called interns, to work at a firm for a fixed period of time. An internship should give you practical skills, experience and greater knowledge of an industry, in exchange for the employer benefiting from your labor.

With the emphasis firmly on training, internships give students real-life experience of the workplace and field they hope to break into. This not only helps them gain critical work skills and decide if the career they are experiencing is right for them, it also enables them to make valuable work contacts and acts as an important stepping-stone to securing a job and climbing the first rung on the career ladder.

Having understood the concept of internship, applying for one become the logical option which is why I applied to the Zuri Internship Program for frontend developers, Visit Zuri. To ensure I was making progress, I set goals I hoped to meet during the internship program, they include;

  1. Understand the role of a frontend developer in a tech company, and also try to mimic their way of operation and how they write codes.
  2. Improve my current stack by acquiring more knowledge about its use and application in a tech company.
  3. Learn about other frontend technologies used in a tech company and see to adding some of them to my repertoire.
  4. Attain some level of popularity among fellow interns and also employers.
  5. Improve my leadership skill by taking on leadership role in group projects.
  6. Gain on site experience which are beyond reading books and watching tutorial videos.
  7. Use this avenue to expand my connections with professionals and leading figures in my set field. In hope that all these goals set are met by the end of the 8 weeks Zuri internship program, I shouldn’t find working in a tech company to be odd and tiring, instead I should be able to make an impact using skills acquired during the program.

For anyone looking to get into Frontend development, here are some tutorial to check out,